Our Software

Elevate your operations and maximize productivity

Now more than ever, the importance of standing out from competitors and increasing maintenance productivity is critical. Having a positive resident experience, clear communication, and reduced manual processes will do just that.

automated maintenance software
Superior maintenance communication with Property Meld

Track communication in a whole new way

Our property maintenance software solution takes communication to the next level. Automate manual troubleshooting and followup, and track how quickly your team responds.

Schedule work orders in minutes, not hours

You’re already behind if scheduling work orders takes your team days. Leading property management companies schedule in less than 4 minutes and complete repairs in 3.4 days. 

Be a part of the elite by automating the scheduling process and track how long each work order takes to schedule with the #1 property maintenance software solution.

Man happy with increasing scheduling efficiency with automation
property maintenance software solution

Empower your maintenance team to be better with performance metrics

If you asked your maintenance team to lower their repair speeds by 20% and increase resident satisfaction by 40%, would they know where to start? 

Making maintenance decisions without data to back you, can lead to resources being wasted on the wrong areas of your process.

Increase the output of your maintenance team

Right-sizing your staff to handle maintenance requests is crucial to efficiency and resource allocation. It’s not always about bringing in more people; sometimes it’s about cranking up the output on what you’ve already got. Give your team the bandwidth to work on things you know you should be doing.

Graphs of increased maintenance team output.
This is the first time Don has ever been able to put his phone down on the weekend thanks to Property Meld. He would usually spend his weekends working on maintenance requests.
Don and Anne Pett
Wilkinson Property Management

See if maintenance automation is right for your business

Have more questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.