resident satisfaction

We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating that online reviews are currency in today’s digital world. In one study, 78% of prospective residents said a property management company’s online reviews were the biggest factor in choosing where to live — rising to 86% for millennials. This means resident satisfaction is critical.

In the property management industry, the primary reason for negative reviews is maintenance issues. So, if you want to preserve your company’s online reputation, you’d be smart to start with building a consistent, checkpoint-oriented maintenance process. The satisfaction level of your residents is so intricately connected to other KPIs that it’s worth keeping an eye on.

Of course, you can also craft your own system outside of online reviews to track resident satisfaction. If you choose this route, our advice is to avoid the pitfall of selective surveying. The goal is to understand how your maintenance program is operating and where the issues may lie. Selective surveying may help you intercept some issues and taint your data and ultimately make the collection and analysis of it quite pointless. To sidestep selective surveying, you should attempt to survey every resident who has had an interaction with your maintenance crew/operation and ensure there are no barriers to entry to report their experience.

When companies report their quarterly and annual performance, revenue and profits attract the most attention. But those figures only tell one part of the story.

In a deep dive into your process with one of our maintenance-obsessed representatives, you can gain deeper insight into the inner workings of your business. Plus, you will identify and get ahead of problem areas and ensure the story’s ending is a happy one.

What you'll learn

Want to see how Property Meld will help you gain control of your maintenance? Schedule a personalized demo.