what is resident retention?

In property management, it is common to hear the question: what is resident retention? It’s the cornerstone of maintaining a successful rental portfolio. But what exactly does resident retention entail, and why is it so crucial?

Why is Resident Retention Important?

Simply put, resident retention is the responsibility of property managers to keep existing residents satisfied and engaged, thereby reducing turnover rates. But why does this matter?

  1. Stability and Consistency: A high turnover rate can disrupt the stability and consistency of a rental community. Frequent vacancies lead to increased marketing expenses, downtime between renters, and administrative burdens associated with screening new applicants.


  1. Financial Implications: Turnover is costly. Every vacant unit represents a loss in potential rental income. The process of preparing a unit for a new resident—cleaning, repairs, advertising—incurs additional expenses. By retaining residents, property managers can minimize these financial drawbacks.


  1. Positive Reputation: A property with high resident turnover may garner a reputation for instability or dissatisfaction among residents. Conversely, a property known for its low turnover and high resident satisfaction is more likely to attract prospective residents.


Did you know that resident satisfaction and retention is a leading indicator of investor retention? As previously mentioned, the more negative reviews and turnover directly impacts your investor’s bottom line. Keeping residents happy and retention high is a great way to provide a predictable ROI from your investors and build long-lasting partnerships.

Resident satisfaction serves as a crucial leading indicator for investor retention in property management for several reasons:

  1. Satisfied residents are more likely to renew their leases: High renewal rates contribute to stable cash flow and reduce the costs associated with finding new residents.
  2. Happy residents are more inclined to recommend the property to friends, family, and colleagues: Positive word of mouth can increase occupancy rates through referrals, benefiting property investors by reducing vacancy periods and marketing expenses.
  3. A reputation for providing excellent service and maintaining high resident satisfaction levels enhances the property’s brand image: A positive brand reputation attracts new residents and retains existing ones, thereby safeguarding the property’s value and attractiveness to investors.
  4. Online reviews and ratings play a significant role in shaping prospective residents’ perceptions of a property: High resident satisfaction translates to positive reviews and ratings, which can influence potential residents’ decisions to choose one property over another. Investors recognize the impact of online reputation on property demand and, consequently, investor returns.
  5. Sustained resident satisfaction fosters resident loyalty and long-term occupancy, thereby enhancing the property’s stability and long-term value: Investors prioritize properties with a track record of resident satisfaction, as they are more likely to generate consistent returns and appreciate in value over time.


Overall, by prioritizing resident satisfaction, property managers can effectively retain residents, maximize occupancy rates, and enhance the overall financial performance and attractiveness of the property to investors.

Property Meld, a property maintenance software, prioritizes customer relationships by providing a best-in-class resident experience. Customers utilizing Property Meld can track their resident satisfaction, and average maintenance costs per unit to ensure they are keeping costs low for their investors. Property Meld customers boast high resident reviews, and increased investor renewals.


Most of our Melds get a 5-star rating, and one in ten of those ratings become a Google review. We have almost doubled our total number of 5-star Google reviews in the two months we have had Property Meld.
Kayla Smith
Accounts Payable and Project Manager | Century 21 Queenswood

What is a Good Resident Retention Rate?

What constitutes a good resident retention rate? While the ideal rate may vary depending on factors such as location and property type, a retention rate above 70% is generally considered favorable, according to Second Nature, a leader in resident satisfaction. This implies that the majority of residents choose to renew their leases, indicating satisfaction with their living experience.

However, it’s essential to note that resident retention rates should be evaluated in conjunction with other metrics, such as occupancy rates and rental income. A high retention rate may not necessarily indicate success if the property struggles with vacancies or declining revenue.

How Do You Retain Good Residents?

Now that we understand the importance of resident retention, let’s explore actionable strategies for achieving it:

  1. Prioritize Communication

Effective communication is key to building strong relationships with residents. Regularly engage with residents through channels such as newsletters, community meetings, and online portals. Be responsive to their concerns and inquiries, demonstrating a commitment to their satisfaction.

  1. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Make resident satisfaction a top priority by offering responsive and professional customer service. Address maintenance requests promptly, resolve issues efficiently, and ensure that residents feel heard and valued. A positive interaction with property management can significantly impact a resident’s decision to renew their lease.

  1. Enhance Amenities and Services

Invest in amenities and services that enhance the quality of life for residents. Whether it’s upgraded fitness facilities, communal spaces, or convenient concierge services, amenities play a significant role in attracting and retaining residents. Continuously assess resident preferences and adapt offerings accordingly.

  1. Conduct Regular Surveys

Gather feedback from residents through surveys to identify areas for improvement and gauge overall satisfaction levels. Use this feedback to make informed decisions about property management practices, amenities, and services. Demonstrating a willingness to listen and adapt can strengthen resident loyalty.


In conclusion, resident retention is a multifaceted endeavor that requires proactive engagement, exceptional service, and a commitment to fostering community. By prioritizing resident satisfaction and implementing effective retention strategies, property managers can create thriving communities where residents feel valued, connected, and eager to renew their leases. Remember, retaining good residents isn’t just about minimizing turnover—it’s about cultivating a positive living experience that benefits both residents and property owners alike.

Start taking retention seriously with a maintenance solution designed for all your stakeholders. Book a demo with our team of maintenance experts to see how you can increase repair speeds, boost 5-star reviews, and hang onto your property investors.

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