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Integration Partners

Partnered with the top accounting software

Property Meld x AppFolio
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Property Meld x Buildium
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Property Meld x Rent Manager
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Property Meld x Propertyware

Why you need a powerful maintenance solution

With maintenance being one of the most unpredictable aspects of property management, having a software solely dedicated to optimizing maintenance is crucial. Gain true maintenance visibility with the number one maintenance solution, and automatically sync information back to your accounting system.

Eliminate the fear of working out of two systems

Let your maintenance team use the preferred software and the rest of your team can see all crucial maintenance information in your property management software. Bonus points, Property Meld doesn’t charge extra for our integrations.

When we can consolidate everything in the maintenance world in Property Meld it allows our property managers to not have to check in every single supporting software the company uses. We can use the software that makes us better.
Josh Harrison
Director of Maintenance | Excalibur Homes

Synchronize data in real time

With Property Meld you have one single source of truth when it comes to capturing maintenance data. With more robust information than your accounting system can offer, Property Meld saves time and captures more information. 

Gain access to world class maintenance performance, without sacrificing having the documentation in your accounting software.