maintenance software for residents

About Us

Since its establishment, Property Meld has focused on not only providing residents with a better property maintenance experience, but a positive experience for all parties. In fact, the reason our software was created stemmed from an actual email one of our co-founders received from their property manager upon submitting a maintenance request. The email he received contained convoluted instructions to contact a specified vendor to resolve his issue, — ultimately leaving him, as the resident, to handle his own work order. This experience created a realization that there must be a better way. There must be a way to create a maintenance software for residents; hence, Property Meld was born. Download the article.


With Property Meld, residents can quickly submit a work order (we like to call them Melds) from anywhere at any time. With our streamlined communication, residents directly communicate with vendors, improving scheduling efficiency and eliminating a property manager or coordinator as the middle man. Our scheduling tool allows residents to pick times that work best with their schedule, making things easier and minimizing hassle. In addition Meld utilizes user-defined customized automation to help troubleshoot maintenance issues. Allowing each property management company to customize their messaging provides the best solution for coordinator efficiency and resident experience.

The Problem

According to industry data, 31% of residents listed maintenance issues as the reason they moved from a property. This means it is crucial to the success of your business to provide a positive maintenance experience for your residents. Many residents grow frustrated when their work orders aren’t handled promptly, waiting days for a response, let alone the repair. The process for submitting a maintenance request can be time-consuming and confusing. Without a streamlined maintenance process, residents can grow dissatisfied and less likely to renew their leases. High resident turnover rates can wreak havoc on your bottom line while damaging relationships with property owners.

Enter Property Meld

Property Meld provides residents with a one-time login. Once logged into the system, their information is saved, making it easy to submit a maintenance request. In addition, our web-based maintenance software can be accessed anytime from anywhere, meaning residents can submit a request when convenient. Residents don’t have to download another app to submit a maintenance request. Accessing Meld just takes a simple Google search, or many customers add a direct link to Meld on their website. Our user-friendly maintenance software for residents has a 90% adoption rate, making it easy to submit an issue from their fingertips. Plus, if residents run into any software issues, our support team has an average 12-second response rate.


One of the most challenging aspects of the maintenance process is finding a way to make sure all the key players in the maintenance process know what is going on. With Property Meld, vendors, residents, maintenance technicians, and property owners can communicate about a work order in one central location. Avoid maintenance requests falling through the cracks while easily viewing documented communication in real-time. In addition, Meld Workflows uses user-defined customizable automation technology, to automate messaging to your resident at different points throughout the process. Property managers are also able to automatically ask residents for feedback after a repair is completed. Within thirty days, our customer Mckenna Property Management had a 75% 5-star rating for all work orders they received resident feedback on. Keeping your resident informed will keep them happier and more likely to renew their lease.


Nothing is more frustrating to a resident than submitting a maintenance request, which suddenly becomes a huge time commitment. Between trying to schedule a time that works for residents and the maintenance technician and finding a time they can be home if necessary. With Property Meld, you can eliminate the time commitment on your resident. When a resident submits a Meld, they are automatically prompted to choose five or more times they are available for the maintenance person to come. This eliminates trying to schedule over the phone, and instead of work orders taking days to schedule, they take minutes.

The quicker a repair is scheduled, the quicker it can be completed. The faster a repair is completed, the happier your resident will be. Customers using Property Meld have been able to significantly decrease the number of days it takes for a repair to be completed, which has a direct correlation on resident satisfaction. Since implementing Property Meld, one of our customers saw their Google review ratings increase from 3.2 stars to 4.5 stars. Property Meld’s metrics dashboard allows you to organize open Melds by how many days the repair has been open, so you can see how long your repairs take. Increasing repair efficiency is a great way to receive more positive resident reviews. This positive feedback helps you retain your current residents and attract new residents looking to move.

The resident experience is often overlooked despite being one of the most critical aspects of the maintenance process and the success of a property management company. With dedicated maintenance software for residents, you can eliminate some of the most significant headaches for renters and provide them with an exceptional rental experience.

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