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In the ever-evolving world of property management, efficiency is paramount to success. Property managers wear many hats, from handling resident requests to ensuring timely repairs. The sheer volume of responsibilities...

Property Maintenance Guide for Property Managers Table of Contents Property maintenance is one of the core responsibilities of property managers. It involves ensuring that the property is in good condition,...

What Are the Responsibilities of Property Managers Table of Contents Property managers play a vital role in the property management industry. They act as the bridge between property owners and...

Are you knee-deep in maintenance coordination checklists this time of year, manually juggling work orders, and crossing your fingers that communication between residents and vendors goes smoothly? It’s a scenario...

Headquartered in the Black Hills of South Dakota, we at Property Meld know a thing or two about frigid temperatures and blustery weather (hello, -50 degrees fahrenheit). In the past...

Anyone with a home knows they are a lot of work, but they also bring a lot of pleasure. A well-maintained home is a happy home. If you look after...

At Property Meld, we engage in daily conversations with hundreds of property management companies, allowing us to identify prevalent industry trends. Foremost among these trends is the recognition that many...

When engaging property managers, the common refrain is waiting until summer to enact process changes. But why delay addressing your company’s operational challenges and gaining control over your maintenance process...

The rain showers are slowing down, and the sun is in the sky longer each night. While for some summer is a season of fun and relaxation, but for property...

Property maintenance can be a daunting task, primarily due to its unpredictability. But after years in the maintenance game, our team has discovered trends in the property maintenance sphere. You...