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Anyone with a home knows they are a lot of work, but they also bring a lot of pleasure. A well-maintained home is a happy home. If you look after...

At Property Meld, we engage in daily conversations with hundreds of property management companies, allowing us to identify prevalent industry trends. Foremost among these trends is the recognition that many...

To leverage the immense amount of data our software collects to provide our customers unparalleled oversight and visibility into their maintenance process, Property Meld created Insights. Making decisions driven by...

After speaking with countless property managers we heard the same things over and over. Most property management companies are looking for improved oversight and visibility within their maintenance process and...

Ensuring you have the right amount of maintenance team members to accomplish your business goals is crucial to success. As we move up The Ladder of Maintenance Excellence, you’ll find...

Property Meld CEO and Co-Founder Ray Hespen joined Rent Manager for this month’s Tech Tuesday, a valuable webinar for property management leaders to solve business challenges with technology, to discuss...

After you have solved effective communication, you can move on to the next step on the Ladder of Maintenance Excellence, scheduling efficiency. You will know if you’ve achieved scheduling efficiency...

In property management, monitoring key maintenance metrics is crucial for maintaining the health of your processes. Without clear visibility, identifying and addressing issues before they escalate can be challenging. By...

Maintenance metrics are essential to the success of your property management company. Tracking key metrics lets you identify any problem areas in your maintenance process. It also allows you to...

Property maintenance plays a vital role in ensuring rental properties’ long-term value, functionality, and curb appeal. Property managers must utilize maintenance metrics or KPIs to manage property maintenance activities effectively....