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When it comes to maintenance, the more information you have, the better. You can resolve maintenance issues much quicker if you have a clear idea of what is wrong and...

Property maintenance is an incredibly complex process where repairs and follow-up can easily fall through the cracks. You can’t afford to fall behind on maintenance tasks. Why? Fast and quality...

Why should a resident or property owner choose you as the best property management company to work with? For your business to be successful, you need to work on implementing...

We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating that online reviews are currency in today’s digital world. In one study, 78% of prospective residents said a property management company’s online...

In our previous post, we stressed the importance of understanding the basic mathematics of your company’s maintenance operation. In other words, you must know how much money your maintenance program...

A quality Maintenance Satisfaction Program means happier residents. Happier residents translate to better reviews and higher resident retention. Positive reviews and resident retention lead to increased revenue and fewer resident...

Did you know that maintenance experience is the biggest driver (behind rent cost) for resident retention 46% of residents say maintenance was a factor in renewing a lease. That is...

Without residents you don’t have income. Without lease renewals keeping your positive resident in their units, you can have a problem with unsatisfactory residents, or an issue with multiple empty...